Say It Anyway - Sound In The Signals Interview
I recently had the opportunity to interview Say It Anyway ahead of the release of their new song “Mascara Mess”. Check it out below.
First, thanks for the interview.
MEG: Thank you for the support and taking an interest in our music! We’re grateful for the opportunity!
Your new song “Mascara Mess” comes out January 23rd. Can you tell me about writing and recording it?
MEG: Yeah, I’d love to! The first lyric I wrote was the tagline, “told myself I wouldn’t fall for you, but I’m a Mascara Mess on the ground’’. I kinda took that line and ran with it! Specifically, focusing on two metaphors. I love the metaphor around ‘falling’ in love; it carries so much depth. I think we’ve all felt that “freefall’’ state of love that’s pure bliss. But then there’s that blindsiding ‘hitting the ground’ state that you don’t see coming. With that comes a lot to process - the memories, disappointment, fears, and complicated feelings.
Which brings us to the second metaphor - using makeup in an attempt to cover up all the mess that you’re left with. The lyrics in the bridge paint that frustrating picture of trying desperately to hide behind a mask but in reality, realizing there’s not enough makeup in the world.
At its’ heart, Mascara Mess is about the ‘makeup coming off’ - the mask coming down. Mascara Mess is about the strength in feeling and expressing it all - no matter how messy it may seem; and the healing and inner strength that comes as a result.
…and maybe their “just fine” is just that too…a mask. (lyric reference)
This is the second single with your new vocalist. What did you want to accomplish with it in terms of sound and style?
MEG: ‘Vampires’ was a really fun and playful song! It was theatric, and ‘out there’, and attention grabbing. We loved the introduction it gave us as ‘Say It Anyway - Revamped’. Same band, but new era.
With this release however, we wanted to be more personal with our community as a band. We wanted to communicate more of a depth, authenticity, and vulnerability. We feel ‘Mascara Mess’ allows us to connect with our audience on a deeper level.
Personally, I also feel it sets us up for our upcoming releases. I will always strive to be real and honest in my lyrics. Songwriting for me is an art form of self-expression and processing life. I am grateful for the privilege it is to share my art and connect with people in our community!
Do you have a favorite lyrical or musical moment from the song? Why?
MEG: My favorite part of this song has got to be the bridge - belting that out on stage is so cathartic! Haha
What do you hope listeners take away from the song? What did you take away from the process of creating it?
MEG: Our hope is that Mascara Mess could be healing, cathartic; giving both a permission and a space to be real with yourself and not hide behind an “I’m fine”. There is strength in feeling, in processing, in being vulnerable - and honestly, we owe it to ourselves!
You plan to also release a video for the new song. What was the video shoot like? What’s the easiest and most challenging aspect of creating videos?
MEG: This was actually so funny! First of all, our bassist Daniel is an absolute legend and so talented! He recorded and edited the video himself! **claps for Daniel!**
But yeah, we recorded the mirror scenes at my flat and had (very wrongly) assumed it would only take a couple hours max. It ended up taking ALL night because something kept dying on us - whether it was lighting or the camera! This then meant that, while we waited for them to charge, I had to leave the makeup caked on my face looking like a crazy person in between shoots to remain consistent with the previously recorded scenes. I don’t know how Daniel kept a straight face (okay, let's be honest…he didn’t really lol).
Do you find making videos to be more fun or stressful?
MEG: I absolutely love the process of dreaming up a concept and seeing it be brought to life! As a lyricist, it is also a really special way to go beyond the music and lyrics, creating a visual that further communicates the meaning behind the song.
For example, in our music video, you first see that I’m applying makeup in an attempt to “cover up” the mess of emotions I’m feeling - hoping to come across as “just fine”. But by the end, I’m actually using makeup as a form of self-expression - visually portraying each complex emotion that I’m wrestling with. Frustration, disappointment, anger, confusion, and heartbreak. The music video adds a depth to the narrative that a recording or a live show can’t do justice to.
Is this a standalone single or could you be building towards an EP or album? If so, what can you tell us about it so far?
JORDAN - At the moment this is a single. Every piece of music we write together feels like it belongs to something bigger than itself, whether that is an EP or an album….who knows? Pretty sure the album has died a death and people only listen to songs that last no longer than 60 seconds anyway. No way someone’s closing TikTok to stream 45 minutes of SiA.
We just keep writing and recording music together because we absolutely love it!
Thanks for taking the time to answer the questions. Do you have anything else that you want to add?
MEG: We’ve got a single coming out called Mascara Mess which drops along with a music video on January 23! We’re so excited about this release as it’s so special to us! It showcases a vulnerable yet powerful side of the band, and lyrically, it’s one of the most personal songs I’ve written. I’m so proud of how we’ve worked together to create this track that feels emotive, raw, and deeply authentic. This release is incredibly special to us. It showcases a vulnerable yet powerful side of the band, and lyrically, it’s one of the most personal songs I’ve written. I’m so proud of how we’ve worked together to create a track that feels emotive, raw, and deeply authentic.
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