

Keep Flying - Sound In The Signals Interview

Connor Rothstein

I recently had the opportunity to interview John James Ryan Jr of Keep Flying. We discussed how the pandemic impacted their latest album release, the recording of “Firesale (Revisited)”, the potential of hearing more songs revisited, the limited vinyl pressing of ‘Survival (Live)’, when to expect new music, and more. Check it out below. 

First, thanks for the interview.

Of course, y'all have always shown us great respect and for that I will always be happy to chat!

You recently released “Firesale (Revisited)”. Can you tell me about recording it and what you were going for with the song?

Oh yea, this song was recorded about a year ago at the Gradwell House with Nik Bruzzese. Our buddy Ian played cello on this one as well as Henry laying down the piano. The reason this all became reality is that we released Survival during the pandemic and just felt like if we moved away from the songs too quickly people would never get a decent amount of time with the album. Kinda the same reason we pressed Survival Live, to have something new that keeps pushing Survival. This new version of Firesale hopefully gets us some new ears as well as people discovering the OG.

Will we be hearing more revisited versions of songs any time soon?

I'll say this, July 15 is your day if you want to hear something else and maybe find out some insanely cool information.

‘Survival (Live)’ is coming out soon with a one time vinyl pressing. What can you tell me about recording the show and how it differs from the recording of your first live album?

This was also recorded at AMH via our first two shows back last summer which happened to be the release shows for Survival. We did do this album a little differently though. This time we took both the board feed and the tascam and had our friend Tom mix it down!

What song do you think turned out the best from the live album? Why?

I'm going to have to say Surviving The Night. The crowd, the voices, I still get goosebumps.

I’ve seen that you’re making an effort to keep your vinyl pressings limited and let them go out of print. What made you decide to do that?

As a vinyl collector myself there is something to say about owning a record that is hard to find. I really like keeping everything low quantities because it makes it that much more special.

Fans are excited about hearing more new music. I know you’ve talked about a possible album at some point. Will we hear new music this year? What can you tell us about where you are at in the process so far? 

We have an album coming in August, but it isn't what you think. That being said, we are going to the studio this July to record our next proper KF album and so far these demos are hot!

Now that touring has been back for a while your band has hit the road a lot. What were a couple of your favorite shows from the last couple tours or a favorite memory from these recent shows?

It's just nice to be back to it. We feel good at every show whether it be 5 or 500 people. We do this because we love it and it's hard for me to pick one favorite but I'll say our January 1st holiday show was a blast. It was a great way to start our year and hopefully everyone will join us Dec 31 at AMH to end our year.

Thanks for taking the time to answer the questions. Do you have anything else that you would like to add?

Come out to a show, stream the new tune, watch the videos, or don't. It's summer, go do what makes you smile. :)

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