

Sound In The Signals Song Stream - Meeting Of Important People

We are streaming the new song "Gotta Clean Head" from Meeting Of Important People. Check out the song and what Josh Of Meeting Of Important People had to say about the songwriting process after the jump.

“With most MOIP songs, I try to offer more than one side to the lyrics, so even if it's a personal song I want to be able to second-guess what I have to say.  With "Gotta Clean Head," I was writing as myself, announcing how I had just come out of a pretty rough time in my life... but of course, at the same time, the listener is supposed to wonder if I'm really doing just fine now, or if i'm maybe fooling myself and giving myself the ticker-tape parade a bit prematurely.

Incidentally, this song really seems to resemble on of My Morning Jacket's songs from their last album, which is called "Out Of My System," but I swear I had written this one long before hearing the MMJ tune-- they're both little songs where the singer is professing how he has changed his ways, but you're left wondering.” -
Josh / Meeting Of Important People

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