

blondestandard - Sound In The Signals Interview

I recently had the opportunity to interview blondestandard. We discussed writing and recording new song “FREAKIN OUT”, how she hopes the song inspires and empowers others, the LA entertainment scene, and more. Check it out below. 

First, thanks for the interview.

Thank you!

You released your new song “FREAKIN OUT” on May 17th. Why did you decide that it is the song to reintroduce yourself in the music world? 

The song itself, at its core, is really about self-empowerment, not allowing little people to get in the way of that. I wrote the song about getting to a point where you are able to look in the mirror and say, "I'm that bitch!" Re-introducing myself into the music world with an empowerment anthem just felt right.

It covers complex topics such as love, loss, hope, and despair. What do you hope listeners take away from the song? 

Honestly, the goal is to let people feel whatever they want to feel. As an artist and storyteller, I have a vision in mind, but I love hearing the stories and associations that others have when listening to my music. In a perfect world, the song inspires and 
empowers others.

What did you take away from creating it? 

I learned more about myself, interestingly enough! My music usually has a front-facing storyline and an underlying meaning or message I want to push through the song. This song actually helped me lean into my self-confidence, even up to putting it out into the world for others to listen to.

Can you tell us a bit about the writing and recording process? 

I am a big fan of collaboration, and the process of this track involved many different collaborators, which was super exciting to see as it came together. The track was produced by a good friend and collaborator, Pink Skies, and was written by myself and Paige Garabito. Paige and I spent a few days writing this song, and it was awesome to see it come together. She and I really meticulously crafted the story as we went, which felt like we were sitting down to write a script for the next soap opera. Inverness ended up mixing and mastering it and totally nailed bringing it to life. All in all, it was a super fun process with incredibly talented friends.

You released a couple singles in 2021 and 2022. You’ve gone through a lot since then including a battle with cancer. You wrote and recorded through your treatment. How did that help along the way? 

I was extremely excited to kick off my music career and see how it feels to put music out in the world. I think when you are presented with any life-altering situation, in my case, it was my health, you get to choose your mindset. I made the decision to use art to help me get through my treatments, and that, in turn, helped shape my mindset. Learning more about myself as an already new artist, but also who I am to my core through music during a time when I couldn't even really walk outside definitely shaped me and was a big growth period for me as a woman and an artist. My cancer journey is something I view as another hurdle, it is not something that I used to identify myself with, but rather something I went through in the past that made me stronger and wiser.

I’ve read that the LA entertainment scene influenced your artistic journey. What was it about the scene and music that inspired you? What’s the scene like currently? 

Yes! I grew up in Los Angeles, around the entertainment world, and have always been such a big fan of film and music. I was fortunate enough to grow up with a mom in the film industry, and being able to see her do her thing, regardless of it being a male-dominated industry, really inspired me. Currently, I am producing and music supervising for film/TV, and it is beyond exciting! Being able to see music come to life on the screen and give other artists a voice is what drives me every day. I have always tried to avoid the "scene" and surround myself with hardworking, real, down-to-earth individuals in work and as friends.

What’s coming up next for you? 

Lots of exciting art!

Thanks for taking the time to answer the questions. Is there anything else that you want to add? 

Thank you for taking the time to learn a bit more about myself and my artistic journey thus far!

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