

Deep_Al | Brindle - Sound In The Signals Interview

I recently had the opportunity to interview instrumental duo, Deep_Al | Brindle. We discussed the duo’s origins, their songwriting process, using a multimedia approach to their music, signing to Tooth & Nail Records and more. Check it out below.

First, thanks for the interview.

Thanks for reaching out, we appreciate your time and interest in us.

Can you tell us about how you started the group for those who may be unfamiliar and how you initially became interested in music?

The way we became interested in music was. Alastair became interested in grade school, playing music became routine in his social life. If he wasn't skating, he was playing music with friends. As years passed, music continued to become more and more important.  He pursued education at MI musical college in Hollywood CA. For Diego, he became interested in music at a young age, the latin genre Reggaeton was the gateway to him producing music, he would make beats on fruity loops and other software he acquired. From there he started learning other instruments and playing in a church band. As the years passed music became a very important part of his life. Different bands and projects later, he was introduced to vintage synths and that became a big part of his sound. This is the short version of both our origins. :) We had no intentions of this becoming an official thing, at first we would just get together to jam and hang. Months later we started producing ideas that became songs. From there we decided to form the duo.

Some things I like about your music is that you create these really interesting sonic vibes and you often times couple that with an interesting visual. Did you always plan to have such a multimedia experience when you started working on music?

We both come from a production background, so when we started piecing the whole aesthetic of the band we decided why not make it a visual experience as well. It feels pretty natural for instrumental music to have a voice thru visuals. 

How do you go about creating the visuals that accompany the music? 

For our official releases we decided to go with visuals that gave us nostalgia, so a lot of stock footage of iconic things from the 90's mostly. We also combined it with simple textures to fill in the parts where the music needs to shine. A lot of shapes and colors. 

What’s your songwriting process like? What inspires your writing and sound? 

Being in a room together with trax, subs and a good sounding mix in our in-ears at Alastair’s rehearsal space is a good way to get things flowing. Our process usually begins with a loop or semi formed song Diego puts together, we’ll then write ideas together on drums and start building production off of there. Sometimes we plan group writing sessions with a close circle of friends to further our ideas.

You just signed with Tooth & Nail Records. What was this experience like and how did it happen? What does it mean to the group? 

Diego worked with a T&N A&R for a few months and at some point the discussion about their mutual interest in instrumental music came up. From there he found out about our project and really liked it. He then thought it would be a cool idea to open up the opportunity of bringing in a new genre to T&N. The whole experience has been very pleasant.  The team over at the label have been really cool which helped us decide to give it a try. What does it mean for us? We're feeling like we now have a team that can take our vision and connect it to reality.  2020 has been a wild year and it's been cool to have this opportunity during this crazy time.

What made you want to sign with them? Are you fans of any of the current or previous bands/albums from the label?

There have been some bands under T&N that made an impact on us. To name a few Underoath, Acceptance, Copeland, Blindside etc. 

Now that you are on Tooth & Nail, do you have any plans for an EP or album? What can fans expect? 

Yes we do, we plan on releasing new music throughout the next year starting with an EP early 2021.

Thanks for taking the time to answer the questions. Do you have anything else that you would like to add?

Thanks for having us, we really appreciate it!  Stay safe out there.

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