

Last Night Saved My Life - Sound In The Signals Interview

We recently had the chance to interview Last Night Saved My Life about recording their debut album, guest features on songs, new and re-imagined music, and more. Check out the full interview below.

First, thanks for the interview.
Thanks for having us!

For anyone who is not familiar with your band can you tell me how you got together and formed the band? What got you interested in music?
It started with Justin (JB) and Riley (myself) connecting and playing Blink 182 cover songs together - an actual "jam in the garage" situation. Over the course of time we saw Wilson on Myspace, playing his own music, and Ryne playing bass at a local church. We messaged them to come over and "jam", since it's not really a try out when you only have three people in the band - haha. From there we knew Eric (EC) from local shows, and asked him to join in after our first drummer Aaron left the band. It's history after that!

Personally, I became really interested in music when my parents surprised me with a guitar for Christmas when I was 14. I listened to music before that, but not in the same way that I do now. Angels & Airwaves, The Maine, Blink 182, etc - all those bands served as an inspiration while I was learning how to play. 

Your debut album ‘Cherry’ came out last year. How has the response been so far? Have you been pleased with it?

The response to 'Cherry" has been amazing! We are really proud of how that album turned out, and people continue to learn about our band and embrace our sound because of it. We wanted to produce an album that had something for everyone on it. Hearing all the feedback over social media and at shows has helped to push us - and we know 'Cherry' created a sound and environment to build on.

You worked with Seth Henderson on ‘Cherry’. He’s one of the go to guys for the genre. What was it like working with him? What was the experience at his studio like?
We had worked with Seth on our EP 'Outgrown' in 2018 - where we really clicked. After that we knew we wanted to come back and build on that experience. It's really impressive what Seth is able to do, and we love the studio environment when working with him! We were able to spend more time on Cherry and explore different options for our sound - something that Seth really supports. There's nothing more fun than hanging with the guys and all of Seth's dogs at the studio - writing songs all day long, but still joking around and laughing at how ridiculous JB is.

You also had Derek from State Champs guest on the song “Waterfall”. How did that work out and what do you think he helped bring to the song?
Derek has an incredible energy both in the studio and in a live show! He brought that to "Waterfall" and took the part to a new level, which really connects with the fans in our genre. Not only was it an awesome experience to have Derek feature on a song, but we really enjoyed getting to work with him as a Producer during our time in the studio. He and Seth brought a lot to 'Cherry'!
You just released a new re-imagined version of “Waterfall” and it features Charlie Oliver. Can you tell me about recording it? Any chance we’ll hear more re-imagined songs from the album? 
Charlie rocks! We opened up a contest on Twitter for fans to submit a video of themselves singing the part, and the winner (Charlie) got to be the feature on this version. We're really proud of connections like that with our fans, where we can involve them in what we're trying to do. As far as recording goes - we had the chance to work Nick Diener at Oneder Studios in Chesaning, MI. Many people know Nick from The Swellers, but he has a great studio setup and it was a blast working with him to re-imagine the song and include a new feature.

Right now we do not have any plans for additional re-imagined songs, but we will be releasing two additional singles that we recorded at Oneder studios. The first, 'Ghost' comes out this Friday, April 3rd!

The artwork for ‘Cherry’ and the merch you released in support of it is really eye catching. Who designed the cover for the album and why did you feel it best represented the album?
The album art and additional merch designs were done by Vic Conti, who works independently. Vic is really talented and was able to help us bring various imagery from the songs to life. We wanted it to have a sense of sincerity, but convey the fun-loving and energetic personality that we love to put off both online and at shows.
When I listen to ‘Cherry’ it feels like you guys really accomplished a great album. It feels like you should be signed to Hopeless or Pure Noise. Would you be interested in signing to a label like one of those?
Thanks so much! We are always exploring options to take the band to the next level, and as an unsigned band will continue to work hard at doing so. If the right opportunity were to present itself we would be ready to go! Starting a band you always dream of going on the road and signing to a record label. Hopeless and Pure Noise are mainstays in the industry and crucial to our scene.

You also have a podcast called ‘The Lifesavers Podcast’. What made you decide to start a podcast? Do you have favorite episode?

We hope everyone takes a moment to give it a listen! Wilson initially brought it up as a way to further connect with fans and do something that we both love - hang out and talk. It's been a lot of fun to connect with each other through this, answer questions from fans, tell jokes, listen to old demos, explore our songs and more. My personal favorite episode might be the one with EC - simply because I learned that his dream is to be "the old guy on a jetski running water traffic at local festivals". Doesn't make sense? We know - you have to take a listen!

Any chance ‘Cherry’ will get a vinyl release? If so, do you have any variants in mind?
We've been talking about this for awhile, and it's been requested quite a bit! It's expensive to put together but it's definitely on our radar, so stay tuned.

You’re on the line-up for this years ‘Excellency Fest’. It looks like a great line-up. Who are you excited to see? What can fans expect from your show? Any surprises planned?
Honestly, we're excited to see everyone play! The Excellency Music team put together a really great lineup and we're thrilled to be a part of it. As always fans can expect a lot of fun and energy from us, and maybe some free doughnuts or pastries being passed out...who knows...maybe another surprise!

Thanks for taking the time to answer the questions. Do you have anything else that you would like to add?
Thanks for making time for us! We look forward to connecting with everyone on social media and at live shows when we can all return to normal - until then check us out online, especially at lastnightsavedmylife.com! We love y'all.

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