

Sit Calm - Sound In The Signals Interview

I recently had the chance to interview Sit Calm. Check out the full interview after the jump.

Your new EP just came out and it's been a getting some good buzz. Can you tell me a little about the writing process and how long you guys worked on the EP?

Brendyn: We had such a blast writing those songs. Originally this project wasn't even really supposed to go anywhere, we all just had some down time and wanted to hangout and jam together. I guess we vibe off each other really easily and ended up writing those 5 songs in about three weeks, we would get together and jam and write a new song almost every practice and it all came together pretty effortlessly actually. We recorded the record in two days and put it up on bandcamp four days later.

"Sherbrooke" is a personal favorite of mine. Can you tell me a little about writing that song how you came up with the music and the writing process for the lyrics?

I had the intro riff to that song going into practice one day and I showed it to the guys, then we just jammed it a bunch of times till we found a groove we liked. The rest of the song was almost all improvised at practice and it stuck so we kept it!

For the lyrics on this track Nick Gammon and I shared the writing. We would bounce ideas and melodies back and forth to each other, sending each other recordings of different vocal lines by email. When we heard the final product in the studio it sounded kind of empty, so there was a few on the spot vocal ideas that we thought up in the studio, I think it turned out pretty good though.

I saw a picture on your facebook page of various handmade versions of your EP with different hand drawn covers that you had planned to hand out. Who came up with the idea to pass them out and who drew all the covers for those versions of the EP?

Honestly there wasn’t much planning for that. Our Bass player Nick went on a trip to Las Vegas the day after the EP dropped, and he sent us a text while he was out there telling us he had mocked up some hand made EP’s that he wanted to hand out while he was out there. Pretty random but we were stoked he did that.

Sit Calm is an up and coming band and you guys seems like you would be great for fans of bands like You Blew It! and The Hotelier. What are you influenced by personally and what has had an overall impact on your songwriting style?

I’m a big fan of bands like Algernon Cadwallader, Title Fight, Tiny Moving Parts, Death Cab For Cutie, Chon etc. We all have pretty similar tastes in music I’d say. Those bands play stuff that really impresses me so it pushes me to write better and play better everyday. Starting this band actually had a huge impact on my writing style. Lots of times I’ll write things and unintentionally play in a weird time signature or switch keys or something, and just jamming with these guys has pushed me to try things I wouldn’t have necessarily tried if I wasn’t in this band. I think for Sit Calm stuff we just try and have fun and not really stress about things to much. Just keeping it really light makes it easy.

If you had to pick a favorite song off the EP what would your favorite song be and why?

My favorite song off this changes so often, Either Impact or Feeble. I really like those songs a lot. I had the parts for feeble for months and months and it was really refreshing to actually use them finally. I like impact cause we just did a lot of goofy things in that song and it made it really fun to play. Hard question!!

With both vinyl and cassettes becoming extremely popular is there any chance you might release the new EP on one of those formats?
We actually just got offered a small cassette release with a label that contacted us a little while ago. We’re just finalizing everything with that but it’ll be up on our page soon!

I guess that about wraps it up. Thanks for taking the time to answer the questions. Do you have anything else you would like to add?

Thanks for the interview, I Just wanted to say how excited we are to release more songs and that you guys can expect more music from us very soon. We have lots of plans for the future so definitely stay tuned.

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