

Juicebox - Sound In The Signals Interview

Ben White

I recently had the opportunity to interview Juicebox. We discussed forming the band, musical influences, writing and recording demos, lyrical inspiration, cassette releases, and more. Check it out below. 

First, thanks for the interview.

Of course! Thank you for having us. 

Can you tell me how you formed the band for those who may be unfamiliar with it? How did you initially become interested in music?

It all kind of fell into place sometime summer of 2022. Jess (vox) has been wanting to front a band and Sal (bass) brought up the idea of forming a band together with Reice (drums) in mind. Adding Gio and Tima (guitars) was kind of like a scavenger hunt for Sal; both of them have been patrons of hardcore for a long time and Sal took a chance of asking if they would join the band and that brings us to the present day. 

Who are some of your biggest musical influences?

gel, slant, scowl

Your demos was released in January. Can you tell me about writing and recording them?


The demos were our first two songs we ever wrote as a band. It started off as little riffs that we jammed at the very few practices we had before our first gig in front of the 'we heart Houston' sign in downtown Houston. Kind of scrambled to finish the songs and have them show ready. Jess' (vox) lyrics are charged with feminine rage, allowing Jess to express their grievances, especially towards terrible men. Our friend Jon had offered to record us and we ended up taking him up on his offer, recording the two songs at his home studio. The demos took maybe 4 days to record and a week or so to finalize. 

Have you been pleased with the response it’s received so far?

We’re kind of still shocked on the support we've had on the release and with the band in general! 

I really like “Drown”. Can you tell me about writing that song specifically?

It’s about people who preach positive mental attitude but are actually horrible human beings. 

You’ve released a few different cassettes runs. Will we see more of those online soon? Is there any chance that you have plans for a vinyl pressing at some point? 

We definitely will have another run of cassettes up on our bandcamp for the out of state/out of country fans. As for vinyl, we're not sure yet, that's an expensive endeavor. Maybe one day! 

Is there any chance that we’ll hear more new music this year?

Yes! We have a project in the works with a release date sometime this year. 

Thanks for taking the time to answer the questions. Do you have anything else that you would like to add?

Go to a local show, bring your friends that aren't tapped into the local scene, and just dance to your heart's content. 

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